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President's Welcome


Welcome to the Chinese Communication Association (CCA)!


Established thirty years ago, our Association has been home to scholars and students from around the world, who are committed to the study of Chinese communication, media, and culture in various social contexts, historically and nowadays. Our institutional roots are in the United States, although very quickly colleagues from Greater China, Canada, Europe, Southeast Asia, and Australia have started to participate and take leadership positions. In addition to researchers in the global Chinese diaspora, it has been increasingly common that we welcome colleagues and students from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. The most rapid growth, geographically speaking, has been from Mainland China in recent years.


We cherish the diversity of CCA membership that covers a very wide spectrum of theoretical and methodological traditions in the expanding field of communication studies, broadly-defined. Pluralism, multiculturalism, interdisciplinarity — these are among the core values of CCA, where we promote the exchange of rigorous research with novelty and social impact.


As the decade of 2020s unfolds, CCA shall continue our best practices from the past that serve our membership needs, especially organizing dedicated panels and co-sponsored receptions at major academic conferences such as ICA, AEJMC, NCA, and IAMCR. We shall continue to use the CCA mailing list and social media (especially Facebook and WeChat) in sustaining and strengthening our global community. We shall continue to select and highlight the most exemplary pieces of scholarly work so that we can learn from them and amplify their influence. We shall also continue our role in regional network formations working with our institutional partners in the APCA (Asia-Pacific Communication Alliance), while exploring more opportunities of publication and mentorship that bring concrete benefits to our members, especially students and junior colleagues, in career development.


The dynamism and success of our Association depend on the meaningful involvement of all members, wherever you are. Please do not hesitate to contact me or members of our Executive Committee should you have any input on ways to improve what we are doing and ways to address new questions and meet new needs. We are all ears. We are at your service.


Yours truly,

Jack Linchuan Qiu

CCA President (2019-2021)

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