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CCA/ICA Panel, May 21-25, 2020
We have recently concluded the CCA paper competition for the 2020 ICA annual conference. We received 23 research paper submissions, of which six were accepted for presentation. The acceptance rate was 26%. We are grateful to the 23 volunteers who took the time to perform this valuable service during a very busy time of the academic year.
The submissions continued to reflect the broad definition of Chinese communication promoted by CCA in recent years. The papers discussed many interesting and some unexplored topics, from public service advertising to message framing of depression, from sex education to the #MeToo movement, from journalists’ social media branding to communication with virtual beings. They also represented a variety theoretical approaches and methodological positions – a trend we hope to continue.
The CCA panel will feature six selected papers. We are glad to see that the authors represent different countries, regions and institutions, including Taiwan (National Defense University), Hong Kong (HKBU and CUHK), Mainland China (Renmin and Shanghai Jiaotong) and the U.S. (North Dakota State). Most impressively, we have two student papers (i.e., no faculty co-authors) that made it into the final selection. One paper on political false news online was co-authored by Yang Hu and Tze Fung Hans Tse, who are doctoral and master’s students at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The other paper, examining male response to the Chinese #MeToo movement, was single-authored by Jiacheng Liu, a first-year master’s student at Renmin University of China. Congratulations, all the CCA presenters!
Here is the lineup of the papers that will be presented on the CCA panel at 2020 ICA:
• “Better Sex Education, Worse Protection for Girls? Perceiving Sextual Harassment among Chinese Female College Students,” Yi Mou, Yuanye Cui, Jilong Wang, Zhipeng Li, Yuheng Wu, Yingyan Wu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
• “Challenging or Obscuring Patriarchy? An Examination of Male empathy in Chinese #MeToo movement,” Simon Jiacheng Liu (Renmin University of China)
• “Advancing an Environmental Communication Mediation model: An Empirical Test of O-S-R-O-R Model Across Three Regions in China,” Shuning Lu (North Dakota State University)
• “Malleable Identities, Personal Desires, and Power Reliance: Chinese Journalists: Social Media Branding in a Time of Change,” Angela Dan Wang and Vincent Lei Huang (Hong Kong Baptist University)
• “Deterrence or Numbness? Insights Regarding the Psychological Effects of the Circling of People’s Liberation Army Vessels and Aircraft around Taiwan,” Wen Cheng Fu (National Defense University Taiwan)
• “The Spread of Political False News Online: A Case Study of the Typhoon Jebi False News in Taiwan,” Yang Hu and Tze Fung Hans Tse (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
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